Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee has such an enormous ego, that she thinks that what she says is the gospel truth.
I first heard about Ms. Curtis's article from the gang at BTC.
Here are my thoughts about Ms. Curtis's comments.
What makes Ms. Curtis think that everyone who watch's reality shows, do so for negative reasons only? I don't watch because I am "obsessed with watching people lose", I watch because I like to see people win. These shows have also taught me to be more creative in my own cooking, decorating, fashion and so on. The fact that someone who has never watched a reality show before or even how to turn a television on (why does she have one then?), considers themselves able to judge the shows themselves or the viewers who watch these shows, is a conceited fool at best. Oh yeah, did you happen to notice that she used the opportunity to hawk her book? Me thinks that Ms. Curtis is a bit of a hypocrite.(((MUAH)))


Vic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vic said...

Sorry, I deleted my own comment. I should edit before hitting the publish button.

Yeah, sweeping assumptions are never wise. She is wrong about my motivation too. I was first drawn to reality shows through Survivor because the interaction between the contestants reminded me of the power plays I observe at the office. I still like to observe the group interactions on Survivor, Top Chef, and The Next Big Food Network Star, even though the producers use a heavy hand in editing and try to make villains where perhaps there are none. So, for Ms. Curtis to assume that we want to see people fail is a miserable observation. Can she not see the irony in her comments when she is married to Christopher Guest, the biggest ironist of us all?

This privileged child of two movie stars should not harp on other people's perceived failings without examining her own motivation first. Tsk. Tsk.

Marius said...

The fact that someone who has never watched a reality show before or even how to turn a television on (why does she have one then?), considers themselves able to judge the shows themselves or the viewers who watch these shows, is a conceited fool at best.

Thank you, TheHoInMo. I couldn't agree more. And Ms. Place is absolutely right. Ms. Curtis' assumptions are misguided.

I don't want to generalize, but the reality shows I enjoy usually showcase (some) talented people. Yes, there are reality shows that are as bad as the average pointless sitcom, but there is quality out there. In addition to my favorite Bravo shows, I also enjoy watching the travel channel, PBS, HGTV, and others. Yep, I think it's safe to say that the shows we enjoy are actually educational. I think Ms. Curtis may be right about a certain segment of the viewing public, but she also needs to recognize that there is diversity out there. Also, I love the fact that gay men and women are well represented on Bravo reality television. And I think that's wonderful.

Anyway, great post!

kora in hell said...

This was a good one. Like Jamie Lee Curtis has always promoted the highest quality work for popular consumption.

Like slasher movies don't feed audiences lowest impulses.

(Oh, but perhaps Lady Guest would rather we forget that she stooped to such folly?)

Give me a break. She doesn't have a tv! Yes films are always such a high art form and all tv is such crap.

So what if some tv shows are bad or just silly? Hasn't she ever heard of watching tv for the purposes of just entertainment. Or the fun of watching something with friends because it is "so bad it's funny" -- e.g., Mystery Science Theater 3000??

Does everything have to be fricken educational with a sappy kum-bay-yah ending like her children's books? What a bore!

I do have to wonder how someone who can get on their stick-up-the-ass high horse (and thus seems to be an apparently irony-free-zone) is married to Chrisopher Guest.

Being an actress does not make someone qualified to be a cultural critic. They are two different professions. They require two very different skill sets. And two very different sensibilities.

But thanks for sharing , Jamie Lee Curtis, and show us once again that having a famous name allows you to get published in major venues no matter how little you know about a subject.